Multi-client studies
Financial behavior of microenterprises
A study that is usually carried out every two years, and that includes businesses with a turnover of up to 2 million euros (2 million USD or the equivalent in the currency of the country in which it is carried out).
periodic· quantitative· several countries

The analysis of the data contemplates the differentiation of the information considering both the key classification variables used (geographical location, activity sector and size according to turnover), as well as its differentiation according to activity between: a) businesses; b) liberal professionals; c) rest of businesses that by CNAE do not fit in any of the previous two. The fiscal figure with which the activity is carried out is also considered to differentiate the self-employed (individual with activity) from a legal person.

Analyzed content

The contents contemplated in the analysis are very broad and include: competitive positioning of the main players in the market (notoriety, penetration, penetration as a preferred entity and market share); discharges and abandonments of the relationship; customer engagement; quality; NPS; use of relationship channels; image of financial entities; use of the banking offer: relationship accounts, financing, savings/investment, means of payment, acquisition, services and insurance.


Some results obtained in this research are presented

Infographic Microentrepreneurs Spain 2021

Interviews in Spain

Do you want to increase your business figures?

More Success stories

Acquisition and customer loyalty of the HORECA channel

Strategic Plan for Cultural Tourism-Orange of Colombia

Financial behavior of microenterprises

Studies of potential demand and segmentation

Financial behavior of individuals

Concept test